Today we got off to a slow start, mostly because of the super fun times we had dancing last night at my cousin's wedding reception! But eventually we dragged ourselves over to the house. On the list for today was putting our last coat of finish on the bedroom floors and attempting to paint the living room. We also DESPERATELY needed to get the backyard mowed. We were hoping the morning rains wouldn't make it too wet and we'd get that done. Unfortunately only a portion of it was accomplished. The spring Minnesota rains are not really cooperating with our need to get the grass cut!
Rob and I figured it would be just him and I working today. We knew it was going to be pretty low key and we figured everyone would be tired from the wedding, so we didn't 'call in the troops.' But low and behold, we ended up with lots of help! Mom and Dad went and picked up our amazing grill from Chad and Beth's house. They beat us to the house and got the grill unloaded and everything. They were going to stay just briefly because they were going to head to Becky and Jeremy's to do some work, but we got a phone call from them and they got a last minute rescheduled showing (of their house) and ended up coming over to our house. It is really nice that we have the space and means to have everyone over.
Dad (and Becky and Jeremy) all offered to cut our backyard for us. We are so thankful. As I said, it needs to be done, but we've been so busy and on such a tight schedule inside the house that its been pushed off. And twice when I've planned to do it, it rained! So Dad went to work on taming the jungle back there.
After Annalynne checked out our floor that we painted with 'stinky stuff,' she asked what we were working on today. When she found out we were painting she wanted to know "Can I help?" We asked if it would be ok for her to help out, then braided her hair and threw her into one of my working tops so she didn't get paint on her clothes. Then we set her loose. She loved it!! What a fun thing to be able to do on a rainy afternoon when you can't play outside. She was so proud of her work and kept asking everyone to paint with her. It was a win for us as well, since we got the entire living room painted!
We also got a live concert of Mom playing guitar while Annalynne sang. We were busy painting and she really wanted to strum the guitar, so Mom helped her out.
At the end of the night, Rob and I buffed and put down our last coat of finish on the back two bedrooms. They look fantastic and we can't wait until we get to do the living room and master bedroom.
Happy Sunday!
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